Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dance Recital

Yesterday was Skyler, Kaylee, and Mariah's dance recital. This year it was held at the Empress Theater on Magna Main Street. We got there early which is a miracle in itself. I was feeling like it was going to be a good day. When we walked in we were told that they did not have us scheduled to do the dance recital there. They had the stage set up for a play later that day and they were unwilling to move anything. So we all sat and waited while they figured out what was going on. We were finally let into the theater and they had only 3 rows facing the front, the rest were side views. We were trying to save 20 seats for family and friends and people were not very happy with me. Then Skyler forgot one of his costumes and they had to improvise for that dance. The kids did a great job clogging though. Skyler and Kaylee were both awarded an 90% and higher attendance award.
After the show it was Mariah's turn to do a tumbling pre-show for her studio. I was walking her down to where she was supposed to be and I fell. I twisted my ankles and then slid down about four steps on my knees before coming to a stop. Needless to say I was absolutely humiliated and hurt at the same time. I am Ok but my body hasn't moved that way in years and I hurt. I was really glad to leave by the time it was over.
We are so proud of the kids and the hard work they put into their dancing.
Good Job Skyler, Kaylee, and Mariah.

1 comment:

shortandsweet said...

Julie, sounds like something I would/have done...more than once in my life. Hope you are feeling ok now. Ouch!


About Me

West Valley City, Utah, United States
Wife of Joe ~ Mother of 4 ~ Love... to Clean ~ Decorate ~ Read magazines ~ Paint my toenails ~ Pepsi ~ and spending time with my family.