Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Medieval Festival

Mariah and a real knight from the Middle Ages
"QUEEN" Mariah

Mariah has been studying the Middle Ages in her History class at school. The teacher decided to have her own medieval festival for the kids. They were to dress in the time of the middle ages, so Mariah dressed as a queen. Dinner was served just like in the middle ages, so the kids did not have silverware. In the middle ages the people would sing songs in the streets to sell their goods. Mariah did a little performance singing a song to sell some "chairs". Afterwards the kids played "Hot Cross Buns" on their recorders. Also, some real knights did some jousting and the kids were able to cheer them on. It was a fun night for the whole family.

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About Me

West Valley City, Utah, United States
Wife of Joe ~ Mother of 4 ~ Love... to Clean ~ Decorate ~ Read magazines ~ Paint my toenails ~ Pepsi ~ and spending time with my family.